


Blessed Samhain

Dear Friends,

A very blessed Samhain to you all.

Not only on this night do we celebrate the end the of the autumn and the harvest season, we welcome the beginning of the darker half of the year in the northern hemisphere. We are also blessed to wish our founder, Tyler Bauer, a very special Birthday. Perhaps next year we will finally be able to celebrate together.

Samhain is one of the most important festivals for the Coven of Deviltica. Like many followings before us, we celebrate the end of the light and the welcoming of the dark. Before you is the start of a new beginning and during the darker months we encourage followers to explore new desires that have been of interest.

The Beavers Moon (sometimes called the Frost Moon) will soon be upon us, an opportunity to charge and channel famine sexual energies and explore famine sexuality. We have so much to share with you between now and the when the moon reaches full illuminate on the 19th of November but until then.

Blessed be.
-The Coven of Deviltica

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